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It’s a Slugfest!

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It’s a Slugfest!
PostMon Jul 09, 2007 4:24 pm 
doh.gif Good one, Guiran! I had a reason in mind myself, the amount of traffic on the road, but yours I hadn't thought of. up.gif

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Niece of Alvy Moore

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Niece of Alvy Moore
PostMon Jul 09, 2007 5:31 pm 
Backcountry Horsemen and hunter groups and individuals are pretty vociferous in that area. Hunting outfitters are a huge economy base there as well. The FS probably knows the outfitters need to assure existing and future clients that the area will be accessible; otherwise they’d lose the business to other areas. I think the key is vociferous and participating users and a good relationship with the FS, even if that includes criticism. We here on the west side tend to bash the FS on public websites, and refuse to attend public comment sessions to let them know what we want, while blaming them for not doing what we want them to do.

"...Other than that, the post was more or less accurate." Bernardo, NW Hikers' Bureau Chief of Reporting
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PostMon Jul 09, 2007 5:40 pm 
Quark, I agree that there are powerful user groups on the east side, but I'd expect that the EIS for the repairs to Hart's Pass is probably a lot shorter than the one for the mountain loop.

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PostMon Jul 09, 2007 5:56 pm 
I teach EIS to freshmen out of a text, i'd love to see a real EIS. Does that dissolution anyone? wink.gif Professor Ed dizzy.gif

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It’s a Slugfest!

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It’s a Slugfest!
PostMon Jul 09, 2007 6:00 pm 
Just for clarity, I was referring to the many FS roads in the Mtn Loop area, and not the Mtn Loop Highway itself, except just as part of the overall group of washed-out roads.

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PostMon Jul 09, 2007 6:06 pm 
The big advantage Backcountry Horsemen has over hiker's groups is that they speak as one big voting block. There's bickering at the local level, but at the state level they're speaking with one voice and they have lots of members to back their position. Hiker's are more scattered, so we don't have the combined force the Horsemen do. Another something to think about when the public comment meetings come around. Having 30 people in a room stand up to show support for a given item says a whole lot to the committee folks sitting at the front tables...

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PostMon Jul 09, 2007 6:17 pm 
jenjen wrote:
The big advantage Backcountry Horsemen has over hiker's groups is that they speak as one big voting block.
The Sierra Club does that fairly well in Calif. It doesn't seem as influential here. Maybe the WTA is WA's best rep, i don't know... Hikers are more numerous and independent than horse people, even more so here in the NW (maybe). I have lived in WA almost a year, so if i am way off, please just ignore me... Ed

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Crazy Bob

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PostMon Jul 09, 2007 8:28 pm 
Harts Pass Road Closed
Slugman, I do not claim any ties to the forest service decision making, but I do live on the forest service road up to Harts Pass. The traffic up there once the snow is out is phenomenal all summer and that includes campers, hikers, outfitters with horses or llamas and sight seers. The hunters arrive in the fall and the snow machines go up all winter. The local economy runs on tourism, hunting and fishing and all of that is hurt when Harts Pass Road closes. I am sure that the business community in Winthrop and Twisp as well as individual outfitters etc have had communications with the forest service officials locally and through their elected officials. It boils down to money, the number of people involved and the ability of those people to work the system.

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Niece of Alvy Moore

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Niece of Alvy Moore
PostMon Jul 09, 2007 11:00 pm 
Guiran wrote:
Quark, I agree that there are powerful user groups on the east side, but I'd expect that the EIS for the repairs to Hart's Pass is probably a lot shorter than the one for the mountain loop.
You're probably right; I spoke a bit with a FS dude tonight at the comment session for MBSNF and mentioned what Slug observed, and the FS dude also agreed there EIS in that area likely didn't unearth anything that would prohibit repair. OTOH, the Mtn Loop was a go too, until a coupla people tried to put the hurt on. Try that in the Harts Pass area & you'd receive an atomic wedgie on the spot. Those folks are mostly unified.

"...Other than that, the post was more or less accurate." Bernardo, NW Hikers' Bureau Chief of Reporting
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That's a trail ??

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That's a trail ??
PostTue Jul 10, 2007 10:25 am 
Quark wrote:
I think the key is vociferous and participating users and a good relationship with the FS, even if that includes criticism. We here on the west side tend to bash the FS on public websites, and refuse to attend public comment sessions to let them know what we want, while blaming them for not doing what we want them to do.
Guilty as charged. I've been eyeing the RSFMP thing going on in the MBS. There are 3 public meetings being held, these are typically where the vociferous lock arms, so I'm not sure I'll bother standing in the crowd. The online forum approach seems a bit more balanced and democratic, so I'm submitting one of those forms instead. It's quite true that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. They don't have to be rich, powerful, or even numerous. It helps if they appear to have a 'local' presence, local accountability seems to outweigh input from those of us who drive 5 hours to visit. I've used the services of outfitters in other regions and admit it's fun. I'm not sure they deserve special attention though. Personally I'd go for more trail crews and less horse unloading facilities. But, that point is moot if you can't get to the trailhead. Fix the roads first.

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It’s a Slugfest!

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It’s a Slugfest!
PostTue Jul 10, 2007 11:09 am 
Fixing the many roads washed out in the Mtn Loop area was not a "go until a couple of people put the hurt on" (PS: the DNR agreed that the FS was breaking the law). Apart from the Peek-a-boo lake road, I don't know of any that have been repaired. What about Canyon lake? Meadow Mtn? Or any of dozens of other roads? And even using the Mtn Loop itself as an example, why wasn't the road started in spring of 2004? That was THREE YEARS AGO! I say let the Hart's pass road wait for three years at least, until every road that washed out before it is fixed! First destroyed, first fixed! That's perfectly fair. Here's a list of some roads that, as far as I know, zero has been done about (at least as far as getting them re-opened): 2040, 22, 23, 25, 2510, 26, 2640, 2660, 2680, 27, 2703, 4021, 4030, 4060, 4080, 4111, 49, 63, 6554, 6830. I thought the job of the National Forest Service was to manage FS lands for everybody, not just for private businesses that make money off certain roads.

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PostTue Jul 10, 2007 11:14 am 
Locals...Politics.....and money...Thats NATIONAL

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Joined: 29 Jun 2004
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PostTue Jul 10, 2007 11:46 am 
Slugman wrote:
I say let the Hart's pass road wait for three years at least, until every road that washed out before it is fixed! First destroyed, first fixed! That's perfectly fair.
First, I'm not trying to pick a fight, just pointing out some theoretical considerations. 2nd, I know absolutely nothing about the details of the Mountain Loop and associated road repairs. However, I do know a little about resource allocation though. FIFO (or FDFF in this case) doesn't always mean "fair" when dealing with a limited resource (in this case repair services). Taking your example to the extreme, if Hwy 20 at Rainy Pass closed first and I-90 at Snoqualamie Pass closed later, they should work on opening Hwy 20 first? Even though I-90 being closed would inconvenience thousands (tens of thousands?) more people and businesses? Also, note that the public infrastructure intended to not only serve the individual taxpayer but also the (tax paying) businesses as well. When it comes to public infrastructure, resources are typically prioritized on a "greatest good for the greatest number" scheme. The argument folks are making above about the Hart's pass road seems to fit that bill when compared to the Mountain Loop tributary roads. Probably a toss up for the Mtn loop Hwy itsself. THEN it comes down to political pull, who's got budget, etc. Discuss. hockeygrin.gif

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Brutally Handsome

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Brutally Handsome
PostTue Jul 10, 2007 12:12 pm 
It would seem that the Okanogan National Forest has many more resources for road repair and trail maintainance than MBSNF. It that true, or is it simply a matter of the westside (wetside) being so much harder to maintain, combined with 'environmental' groups suing to keep everyone from driving by precious bird and fish habitat? Someone (Q?) pointed out that delaying a project four years by suing does not help the stream that is being silted in.

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Crazy Bob

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PostTue Jul 10, 2007 12:50 pm 
Harts Pass Road Closed
Magellan, The Okanogan has pretty limited funds which they put toward the major roads and trails. I imagine this happens elsewhere but there is a large amount of trail clearing done here by private volunteers. For example the West Fork Methow was cleared and rebuilt after the Needles Creek fire by volunteers under contractor supervision. Every year Eric Burr (mostly) and I clear the Monument Creek Trail with chain saws and I also go up with my chain saw and cut out the down timber off the Scrample Point trail. This year that took several days of hard labor. The horsemen clear the Twisp River trail. A local packer and employees keep the Driveway Butte trail clear. I could go on and on but these kind of efforts leave the funds for the big jobs that require professionals with heavy equipment. This year is really difficult because last december we had the worst snow and blow down between 1800 and 4500 feet in memory. People can get through on foot but no stock on a lot of trails yet. I'm not sure how much people from out of the area realize just how much is done by locals to make their hike a bit easier and more pleasant. Most of us are not in the tourist industry, just people who enjoy the trails and like to volunteer.

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