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Malachai Constant

Joined: 13 Jan 2002
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Location: Back Again Like A Bad Penny
Malachai Constant
PostSat Apr 02, 2005 6:34 pm 
Normally would not report on this one but this year. biggrin.gif With the freshiez I couldn't hang out at home playing Halo2 so I threw my skis in my car and headed up toward the pass. There was snow in the trees down to about 2500'. It looked like you would have to walk a ways for Defiance, Granite, Bandara etc. so I decided to check out Kendall and see how far I could get until I eek.gif myself. There was no snow park required but there was snow at the bridge about 2' deep. A number of snowshoers and dogs were on the trail/road. Noted the improvements to the barrier. It was hot going up with lots of sun. Passed the last snowshoers and saw they had be postholing up a ski track mad.gif . Took a look at the slope where the road forks and headed up the right fork. It was cloudy so did not go to the viewpoint and rather passed the first Kendall Lake. It is mostly all snowcovered 3-4'. Where the creek enters it is undulating so I went up the right bank toward the 3rd lake, pretty soon I got to a scarry slope eek.gif and retreated. Traversing I hot the 2nd lake, it looked dicey to head up to the ridge. Ate my cliff bar under a tree and it started to snow. On the way down the snow was pretty heavy. Figuring it might be my last chance I went down the slope above the road fork. It was torture to turn in the heavy snow and skis dove under a few times, but tongue.gif . Finding a path the the road I headed down the piste. Snowshoers had converted the ski track to washboard rant.gif . Lower down things smoothed out and turned pretty slushy. At time I felt like it was waterskiing. Made it back to the car and went home and showered. Was a fantastix day biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

"You do not laugh when you look at the mountains, or when you look at the sea." Lafcadio Hearn
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